Thursday, September 11, 2008

Social Issues and BUG list (so far)

My top ten social issues

1. US Economy/Housing
2. Election
3. Health, epidemics, obesity, diabetes, etc.
4. Basic standards of living for all countries
5. Learning to live together peacefully
6. Waste/recycling/sustainability
7. Attitudes
8. Education
9. Long term effects of genetic modificaitons
10. Code of Ethics for mankind

BUG List
1. Kitchen scrubbers and sponges. They sponges get stinky and don't last. Propose making something like a bath poofy that has enough texture to scrub but can be hung to air dry and does not collect mold and mildew.

2. Budget making software

3. Hair ties (rubberbands) they always break! They always stretch and break at the seam. Propose that we make them in one solid piece out of a better longer lasting material.

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