Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My creative Process

I have been spending some time thinking about how my creative process works. I work in cycles. I would call myself a constant observer of life. On my morning walks, when I am working, as I am driving I am always looking at the world around me. Not only form but processes, the designs of nature and people. The observations are sometimes subconcious as I proceed with my activity. These are my unconciously creative times. Then there are the times when I conciously create. When I sit down and focus, I draw, I color, paint or experiment with whatever medium I have been thinking about. Alot of times I like to work from partial observation so I normally have my computer near by. I google images and I surf and use them in my work. The other day I was working as the merch girl at a concert and in my down time just sketching from the observation of people and distorting them. Most of my ideas come to me when I am not thinking about them. In those moments when I am just letting my mind wander, it finds what it was looking for.

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